Pineal gland reddit. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. Pineal gland reddit

 What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain onlyPineal gland reddit  It is a fact that reptile pineal glands still retain a vestigial retina, and are light sensitive, so there's scientific basis to the whole "third-eye" notion, as in literally, it

Chlorine and flourine effects on the pineal gland. It would be a mistake to conflate the third eye with just awareness or noticing, that would be like confusing legs and walking. :-) Few_Respond_7642 • 1 yr. One wants relief through thinking, relief through calculations, relief through planning - that is why thinking becomes complicated. Most people who follow a path of spirituality will be aware of the pineal gland. In the absence of light, this small brain organ of just 120 milligrams produces the hormone that takes us to the world of dreams: melatonin. I've always dismissed this as being a little far out. you want melatonin maximally secreted at nighttime when it's dark and time to sleep and suppressed during the daytime. During the 80-90’s and this pic is a reminder that they tried to make us Dumber and More Compliant. So 2 years back I had some serious wisdom tooth issues so switched to herbal tooth powder for brushing teeth. Your pineal gland is in the pith of your brain and I am pretty sure that if it popped you would need a trip to the ER. When you sit on a computer at night staring at a screen emitting blue light you are completely suppressing the pineal glands ability to do it job. 3- Understand that although there are some parts in your life that have left you wounded, you deserve to be happy. If you expand your educational resources outside of Reddit, this information is easy to find. Of course, people in the time of Descartes knew absolutely nothing of. The best way to go about it is to slow it down and get the kick and snare pattern down, then add the right hand. The pineal gland is attached to the outside of the substance of the brain near the entrance of the canal (“aqueduct of Sylvius”) from the third to the fourth ventricle of the brain. Pineal Gland Supplement #9: Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. If what you feel is closer to the surface of your skin, it could be the yintang acupuncture point. They upset the gut microbiome and cause exacerbation. The pineal gland or epiphysis is a chronobiotic agent. The pineal gland produces DMT but it seems only a small amount of people can control it and release big enough quantities of DMT in order to trip out and see/hear things. Also Catholics are Christians but not all Christians are Catholic. Close your eyes and put a finger in-between your eyebrows and press down slightly. Pineal Gland. Natural melatonin produced by the pineal gland is the hormonal key to linking you with the astral realms you visit in your sleep. 2. 10 Indeed,. Light cues from the. Embed Go to americandad r/americandad • by DBoxton. I’ve read that fluoride does calcify the pineal gland, thatit is magnetically attracted to it. I don't know if astral projection is anything more than assorted hocum and hooey blah, blah. Activating the pineal gland can help you access these higher states of awareness and open up new. Saw online that Fluoride suppresses the pineal gland, and since it is essential for Astral Projection I wanted to know what the community thinks about this topic. In this entry, we discuss Descartes’ views concerning the pineal gland. Your body is the garden and your brain is the tree at the center of the garden. This has been confused with terms such as "third eye", or "pineal gland". Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. It's a misinterpretation of what functions the energy takes on. I definitely agree with it, when you have a decalcified pineal gland and you Take DMT, you take a big shortcut for a Spiritual awakening!! I was an antheist my whole Life and since my Dmt Trip with a decalcified gland, my Life changed 180 degrees! My perception of the reality changed in Just a couple weeks. nofapdayscounter • 9 yr. I’ve been trying to test my theory, that we share the traits of twelve higher species. Yes it does. 65 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A. "Sadhguru brings clarity to the pineal gland – an object of mystery and confusion for many seekers. We DO however know it has some role in circadian cycles like those involved in melatonin production, and it is also known that melatonin can induce vivid and lucid dreams. ” One function of circadian rhythm is maintaining a regular sleep cycle. ago. It isn't the WD40 of the spiritual world. If you rub turmeric on your face people will think youre sick. NSFW. Yeah I use bus rides and flights as deep dive Meshuggah drum time. Continue to ground with your eyes open and standing, and bring in another gold sun. Thus, if the work of pineal gland is somehow impaired pineal gland peptides are supposed to be beneficial to stimulate the production of endogenous melatonin. 😉. The Benefits of Fasting. The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland During the late 1990's in England, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke undertook the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. During a 2hr deep state meditation I found that my pineal gland was more active with more energy awareness/feeling. RelativeAwareness675 • 3 days ago. Pineal Gland Activation Method #1: Meditation. If you wish to activate your pineal gland “listen / watch your thoughts until your mind is silent. He discussed how are pineal gland releases DMT. Descartes hypothesizes that the point of interaction is the pineal gland, but never gives an account of the interaction itself. This was recognized by various ancient cultures, and the symbol can be found in the ruins of the,In addition to this, its well documented that drinking fluoride water, both natural and supplemented, can lead to a calcified pineal gland, as the gland is surrounded by blood. The pineal gland may have a role in DMT production by way of nightly copper transport, which could allow INMT, the enzyme which creates DMT, to produce more of it, because copper-glutathione complexes inhibit DMT production. Almost everything in your life is just to distract you from using your pineal gland. Yes, literally, albeit an archaic "atrophied" one. e. It has several different functions in different species. However I noticed that during my meditations my teeth vibrate quite noticeably and i'm fairly certain that if they weren't there it wouldn't be as intense. I do not believe that our pineal glands are calcified by flouride. I'm having decreased orientation, decline in vividness of dreams, and a disappearance of the spiritual domain in moment to moment. The pineal gland is. Throughout the span of recorded human history, Pinecones have served as a symbolic representation of Human Enlightenment, the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland. It's possible you're sensing the energy of your third eye chakra (I sense the energy of that a bit higher and in front of my forehead, though). The Sacred Secretion is the title given to the rich fluid that ascends and descends along the central nervous system. To add on, her question was specifically about how the mind and the body can interact, namely how the thoughts of the mind can move the body to action and vice versa, despite being different substances. Flouride readily bonds to where calcium 'was' but is not as useful nor tough as regular enamel. I know this isn't revolutionary and even a known technique, but now I understand WHY it works: Since my experience, now when I go to meditate I lovingly listen to my mind. . I haven’t been on Reddit in over 4 months & woke up @ 330 this morning & just pissed off at the world bc of it & the fact that I’ve been stuck like fuck in a rut w blockages that. Angkor Wat is a very prominent example. Carry on. This gland is responsible for producing melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wakefulness. The malic acid in raw apple cider vinegar detoxifies heavy metals while its natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes replenish your body with necessary nutrients. Pineal Gland. It’s an imperative part of the process of honing your gift and using it wisely. It is roughly the size of a grain of rice and helps to manage key bodily functions including your circadian rhythm, reproductive system, mood and sleep. It is usually followed by a white light and silence when I believe another gland at the top of the skull is opened. Having the "gift of prophesy" has everything to do with the third eye being opened. There is quite a lot of research on pineal gland peptides in the book and on Pubmed. However, fluoride content in your pineal gland does not seem to be linked to fluoride content in your bones. ) not yet recognized by western science. Your pineal gland will naturally accumulate fluoride and calcium as you age. Rick Strassman's hypothesis is correct, it is the pineal gland which excretes dimethyltryptamine and interfaces with both the cerebrospinal fluid and optical nerves to create the images in our heads we. The pineal glad like anything else is a muscle, and is not calcified but instead is atrophied. Hah. More connections have been made to flouride possibly damaging or inhibiting the pineal. *It creates melatonin, and has been speculated that the puberty age has been lowered because of the lack of melatonin. Proven: *The pineal gland DOES calcify over time, and many studies link this to flouride and calcium. I am lucky I actually don't have a hard time sleeping I just don't feel refreshed like a mac truck tan me over. ago. Eye of RA aka Pineal gland aka 3rd eye. Sun and Moon. You can drink Ayahuasca and get similar effects (but it is not exactly the same in the same way smoking weed is different from eating space cake, substances hit differently. Sleep patterns are also called circadian rhythms. The pituitary gland and the pineal gland are involved in activity included in the hypothalamic-hypophysis-system, which is part of the endocrine system. If anyone with third eye experience can tell me what this is I'd really appreciate. If you focus on the brow point --or any nerve plexus--enough, you will feel pressure or sensitivity there and will simulate the corresponding nerves in the brain. Overall all one of my cooler dreams. Restricting your fluoride intake is a start, and you should avoid mobile phones, mobile phone towers, and wifi as much as possible. "Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age. however there does seem to be some pressure afterwards, almost like a mild migraine. Packaged and junk food typically contain these three fixings. . Spinal cord equals the trunk and the brain is the leaves/branches. You are looking at the world from the very back of your head, facing forward, and your pineal gland is pointed directly at you, much like a Monitor in a spaceship where the eyes are the Window and the Gland is. Consider the pineal gland not existing, but still following the necessary directions - and you will find that you will feel incredible as a result regardless. For those who don't know: what is the pineal gland?The Unique Functions of the Pineal Gland. It's full function isn't understood yet but we do know it makes melatonin which is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep wake cycle. NSFW. jadenrose9 • 3 yr. This idea occurs historically in ancient central and east Asia, and. Your pineal gland is near the middle of your head, not between the eyebrows at the. However, in humans, light is detected through special cells in the eye and then we get signals sent to other areas of the brain and eventually to the pineal gland. One is not tired because of Melotonin directly, Melotonin is a chemical messenger, something the body utilises to understand when/where and to which degree. I saw an interesting case in which a man terrorized and sexually abused his wife, three young children, and pet dog. Yes the pineal gland has the potential to produce DMT. This is what the "Hemisync" technology is based on. For me I think the anxiety around the pandemic were blocking all of my chakras more than the vaccine. It is a fact that reptile pineal glands still retain a vestigial retina, and are light sensitive, so there's scientific basis to the whole "third-eye" notion, as in literally, it. We know that the pineal gland 100% produces melatonin which is what makes you sleep so if we damage the pineal gland we will disrupt our sleep and spiritual (if you believe in that) abilities. I assume you mean the drug DMT, which is a psychedelic drug that is structurally somewhat similar to melatonin which is present in very small quantities in the body. There is very real danger here which can become detrimental to one's practice; turning it into ego stroking and pseudoscientific confirmation rather than the practice of self-awareness and mindfulness it is intended to be. 1. Nicotine and the Pineal Gland. Or if meditation is able to alter this phenomena. Even ancient skeletons have it. Pineal gland thoughts, flouride. I think all the people in this sub reddit are conserving semen to achieve higher spiritual possibilities, listen to him in this video on what he has to say about sex, brahmacharya, yoga and pineal gland. Distilled water is another term for pure water. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. I'm wondering if there are people here who took a noted effort to avoid flouride and if that helped with meditation. Thinking can not end at a point. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. A definition of the pineal gland can be found on Medical News Today: ‘a small gland located deep in the centre of the brain. To address the link between the decrease in melatonin with calcification of the pineal gland, this 2007 study correlated increased nighttime calcium levels with decreased nighttime melatonin content. Don’t be lazy as that’s not what the article says. And stop it on command. Its connection to gonadal function and sexual arousal is well characterized, and is far more important in animals than in humans. . level 1. the relationship and potential of the pineal gland, thyroid, adrenals/brain structure and individual parts and their potential for being a massively suppressed/under utilised conduction/communication lens and it's forgotten/supressed potential for: clairvoyance, telepathic communication, remote viewing, ESP etc. So obviously the NDE scenes are trippy. Today we're talking all about the power of activating the third eye. OP there is no evidence to support the theory that the pineal gland plays any role in spirituality. 1. That means that pineal glands contained on average 297 mg of F per kg of weight, with a standard deviation of 257, which means that some of them had about 30 mg/kg and some had 500 mg/kg. It's aimed at effecting resonance between your pineal and pituitary gland. The pineal is mostly connected with the crown chakra, the connection to not only ourselves but other people around us, the soul, and God. No, there is no known feedback mechanism by which exogenous melatonin would reduce pineal gland activity. :) But of course i do not want to seem like an esoteric guru-witch. Genetics plays a crucial role in the development of your pineal gland and certain areas of the brain. The video carefully uses evidence and research to back up its arguments. Clinical presection. Show them love and hold them and tell them that you are there with them, right beside them. The pineal gland has been known for centuries as being the 'third eye' - for many reasons - including " its location deep in. Through this practice, you can balance your energy levels and create an overall sense of well-being. I’ve been vibrating my pineal gland. the effects of mediation on the pineal gland are well documented. 963Hz frequency affords the presence of divinity which is amplified allowing Light and Love to guide the present experience. I will debunk some theories and prove some others. It only gets interesting when an organism makes a lot of it for some reason. Also, lack of melatonin may be responsible for sleep problems. "Sun and Moon". It produces various hormones related to sleep, sex, and growth. A ton of times when I have taken modafinil or other stimmy nootropics, I still got a (mild-to-moderate). Your pineal gland is responsible for receiving sensory data from the eye and telling the body if it is night or day. The pineal gland, looking at it in a dissection as he did, had a couple of strange things going for it: it was located exactly in the middle of the brain, in it's core, where everything in the brain is "doubled" in hemispheres the pineal gland is only one. My first refute to your claim that DMT is not produced in the pineal gland comes from your so beloved David E Nichols, who in the very first paragraph of his essay, under ‘Historical Background’ writes, “It seems clear that DMT can be. But I'm curious to see if any Psychonauts drink non chemically treated water, and what effects it has had on them. And not due to dietary consumption, because the pineal gland does not accumulate calcium through filtration like kidneys do. It’s hypothesized that this DMT bath happens again upon death, but it’s broken down by the body so fast in not trace amounts can be found left over. Mostly related to the mass effect is my eyesight, migraines ( one that lasted for 27 days), nausea. These can meddle with your pineal gland, and the whole deal may provoke pineal organ calcification. The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In most humans, the pineal gland is greatly calcified due to fluoridation of city water and. There's no evidence to show that it calcifies pineal glands, we have recently discovered that many of the cells in the pineal gland are crystalline shaped which may have led that belief. ago. 2. Much mysticism surrounds it. (Serotonin is the precursor of melatonin. I have been assuming my traits coming out now are related to Apollo. I think silica and diatomaceous earth are better for cleaning up the metals leading to calcification of the pineal gland. I can't answer this question. Jachin and Boaz. It often contains calcifications (“brain sand”) which make it an easily identifiable point of reference in X-ray images of the brain. In fact, the pineal gland calcifies itself as it manufactures melatonin: bone creating cells inside the pineal gland are both responsible for melatonin and the buildup of calcium. Figure 1Figure 1. Too lazy to link but Harvard medical published an article in a national health magazine proving a link between lowered iq in children and fluoride consumption. THE THIRD EYE / PINEAL GLAND Have you ever met people who seem so in touch with their intuition, it's almost like they are prophetic or can see into the past and the future? Well if you have, then you've met someone who has an active pineal gland, an open 3rd eye.