Storck, Pierre Lacombe, and New Jersey. From 2003 to 2008 small to moderate water-level changes were observed in many Coastal Plain aquifers in New Jersey, but in places, groundwater levels continued to decline substantially as a result of pumping. M. G. In addition to single SSA designated area polygons, some EPA regional offices have delineated GIS layers for:saltwater intrusion, Cape May County, New Jersey: U. Sole-source aquifers are defined with guidelines set forth by the U. Aquifers were ranked based on the median yield of selected non-domestic well yields. 5 million people. The Northwest New Jersey sole-source aquifer is formally known as the 'Fifteen Basin aquifer systems of New Jersey. The USGS, in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, has been measuring water levels in the confined aquifers of the New Jersey Coastal Plain every five years beginning in 1978. AQUIFERS SIMULATED: Atlantic City 800-foot sand. Matthew O'Brien, Director. New Jersey Geological & Water Survey Reports (ISSN 0741-7357) are published by the New Jersey Geological & Water Survey, PO Box 420, Trenton, NJ 08625-0420. The commonly used hydrogeologic model of the Brunswick as a one-aquifer system, sometimes with vaguely defined “shallow” and “deep. The New Jersey Geological Survey is a public service and research agency within the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. counties, New Jersey” is the final map in a series of maps characterizing aquifers of the New Jersey Coastal Plain (NJCP) (fig. See moreAQUIFERS OF NEW JERSEY OPEN-FILE MAP OF-M-24 Ranking Values for Aquifers and Confining Units in New Jersey Aquifer Median Rank Yields (gpm) Aquifers in New Jersey. 13:20-1 et seq. J. C. The aquifer system consists of an unconfined. Ground-water. It contains information for assessing and protecting aquifers, assessing water quality, and providing a framework for evaluating hazards and resources. Aquifer properties are determined by analyzing water level changes due to pumping. , 2001, Water levels in, extent of freshwater in, and water withdrawals from ten confined aquifers, New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain, 1998: U. 5 million people. December 31, 2018. Groundwater levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand were lower in 2008 than in 2003; declines were greatest near pumping centers in. N]DEP HUD Environmental Review Tool 2. AQUIFERS SIMULATED: SHALLOW SYSTEM--Holly Beach, Estuarine Sand, and Cohansey aquifer DEEP SYSTEM--Rio Grande, Atlantic 800-Foot Sand. Groundwater quality monitoring in New Jersey consists of two networks. Aquifer Storage and Recovery. Today, scientists have located fresh offshore aquifers across the globe, from the continental shelf off New Jersey to the Japan Trench. Maps showing location of 4,775 A, community, B, transient noncommunity, andSOUTHEASTERN MORRIS COUNTIES, NEW JERSEY by Jeffrey L. These units include the Upper Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer in New Jersey, the Magothy aquifers on Long Island, Delaware, and Maryland, and the Virginia Beach aquifer in Virginia. PDF 📄. Storck, Pierre Lacombe, and New Jersey. Identification Information: Citation: Citation Information: Publication Date: 19980325 Title: Bedrock Aquifers of New Jersey, Series DGS98-5, Edition 20050810 (Geol_bedrock_aquifer) (Web Mercator ArcGIS Online Service) Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital datasaltwater intrusion, Cape May County, New Jersey: U. This system’s source water comes from the following aquifer(s) and/or surface water body(s) (if applicable): igneous and metamorphic. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Geologic Survey Publication_Date: 1990, Revised 1991, 1995, 2002, 2005. A basin factor of 1. There are seven sole-source aquifers (SSAs) in New Jersey. Withdrawals from the surficial aquifer system total 220 Mgal/d -- 65 Mgal/d from shallow. Geological Survey West Trenton,New Jersey Prepared by the United. There are seven sole-source aquifers (SSAs) in New Jersey. The surfical-aquifer coverage includes glacial sediment exceeding 50 ft. In this map, you can easily locate any county. 2 Unfortunately, mild to severe droughts are fairly frequent, and New Jersey’s population increases are adding to and shifting the location of demands,. These are defined by the EPA as those aquifers that contribute more than 50 percent of the drinking water to a specific area and. To the southwest of our New Jersey profile, wells 6008 and 6009 (Fig. In New Jersey confined aquifers underlie much of New Jersey’s southern Coastal Plain (see figure). These restrictions and the growth patterns in th eMore than 90 percent of the public water supply in the upper Rockaway River Valley in Morris County, New Jersey, is obtained from ground-water withdrawals from the valley-fill aquifers. W. J. The studies provide information on the land use, surficial geology, long-term water-level data, and hydraulic properties of the aquifer. Download PDF (4. Precipitation that does not. Monitoring location 01377450 is associated with a Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment in Bergen County, New Jersey. J. During 1997, an average of 9. 1). C. Saltwater intrusion has occurred to some degree in many of the coastal aquifers of the United States. Aquifers in this region are generally sand and/Newark, New Jersey. Sole-source aquifers are defined with guidelines set forth by the U. Under the. can be found within the. 938 high-capacity wells completed in the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer on file with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) show that this aquifer is prolific, with yields measured up to 4500 gallons per minute (gpm) and a mean yield of 400 gpm. OF NEW JERSEY Aquifer Lithology Well Yield (gpm) RANKING VALUES FOR AQUIFERS AND CONFINING UNITS Aquifers in New Jersey can be ranked on their ability to yield groundwater to high-capacity wells. g. C. The Newark Supergroup, also known as the Newark Group, is an assemblage of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic sedimentary rocks which outcrop intermittently along the United States East Coast. C. G3 Address: 1 Greene Street, Apt. 52. A gigantic aquifer of mostly freshwater, hugging the coastline from New Jersey up to Massachusetts, sits below the ocean floor. The Coastal Plain aquifers of New Jersey provide an important source of water for more than 3. Direct Runoff (Q dr) = 3. The underground aquifer system is thought to cover an area of close to 15,000 square miles, nearly twice the size of New Jersey. A. Founded in 1835, the NJGS has evolved from a mineral resources and topographic mapping agency to a modern environmental organization that collects and provides geoscience information to government, consultants, industry,. Users can view, query and analyze the Department's GIS data with related environmental information. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) collected data from 938 high-capacity wells and the data reveals that the aquifer can produce yields up to 4,500 gallons peraquifer protection. So, these were some best printable New Jersey map with Cities and Towns. By. New Jersey's water resources are constantly strained by the competing needs of the growing population, agriculture, industry, and recreation. The ground-water site inventory consists of more than 5,500 records of wells and test holes in New Jersey. S. Figure 5 (right). Refined principal aquifer boundaries for New Mexico, United States Data Release. C. Previous aquifer framework maps include Cumberland, Salem, Gloucester, and Camden counties. Figure 4 (left). Previous aquifer framework maps include Cumberland, Salem, Gloucester, and Camden counties. S. The New Jersey Geological Survey is a public service and research agency within the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. Consumptive Water Use from surface-water withdraws (W s) = 0. iii NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL AND WATER SURVEY. The New Jersey Ground Water Quality Standards (GWQS), N. USGS Publications Warehouse. The Chesapeake aquifer in New Jersey includes the Cohansey Sand and most of the Kirkwood Formation, along with local terrace gravels. 1 Winter 2006 Department of Environmental Protection UNEARTHING NEW JERSEY. S. The Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer is a vast underground reservoir containing some 17 trillion gallons of fresh water in southern New Jersey. Geological Survey ;, 1995), by Robert Rosman, Donald A. . Previous aquifer framework maps include Cumberland, Salem, Gloucester, and Camden counties. The recharge zone is defined by the outside boundaries of the followingThe New Jersey Geological Survey is a public service and research agency within the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. J. OF NEW JERSEY Aquifer Lithology Well Yield (gpm) RANKING VALUES FOR AQUIFERS AND CONFINING UNITS Aquifers in New Jersey can be ranked on their ability to yield groundwater to high-capacity wells. Extension 822. The persistence of New Jersey’s Pinelands is no small feat in a state so top-heavy with industrial development and metropolitan sprawl. This dataset, published in 2003, contains the shallowest principal aquifers of the conterminous United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U. The project. 2004-01-01. The confined aquifers of the Coastal Plain are a major source of water supply for New Jersey, providing approximately 40% of the groundwater supply to the southern region of the state. Ecologically, it consists of generally flat, sandy, acidic soils, deposited in the region following the Atlantic Coastal Plains submergence under the Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. The Northwest New Jersey sole-source aquifer is formally known as the 'Fifteen Basin aquifer systems of New Jersey. The series of surficial aquifer studies were completed to evaluate the unconfined aquifer system of the NJ Coastal Plain for use as a potential source of water. This is in support of some federally-mandated programs. O. Water usage is increasing with this. aquifers to be used as a tool in evaluating effects of existing and potential groundwater withdrawals. It is the first revision to the 1996 Plan. DGS98-6 contains an ARC/INFO Geographic Information System (GIS) polygon coverage of the sole-source aquifers for New Jersey that are approved as of June 1998. Department of Environmental Protection (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Aquifers -- New Jersey -- Atlantic Coast3. It is a shallow, unconfined or “water table” aquifer meaning that the water in the ground is just below the land’s surface in most areas. Water pumped from the aquifer helps irrigate about 200,000 acres of farmlands. Box 426 (609) 984-6587 Trenton, NJ 08625-0426. 1 feet between 2000 and 2030, up to 3. 52:14B-1 et seq. This is in support of some federally-mandated programs. NJDEP Site Remediation Program: Ground Water Classification Exception Area (CEA) Guidance Document. and Marilee A. Related Documents, Publications and FormsThis coverage allows users to identify EPA-defined sole-source aquifers in New Jersey. aquifer in the northeast and southwest part of the Coastal Plain. This application provides users access to NJDEP GIS data on the internet. A. is a consequence of groundwater use, and is an often overlooked environmental consequence of our land and water-use practices. Eight aquifers underlying Gloucester and Salem Counties in the southwestern Coastal Plain of New Jersey provide nearly all the drinking water for the 295,000 people who live in the area. Evapotranspiration (ET) = 23. Water quality suitable for most purposes. Additional ground-water information for New Jersey is available at the New Jersey Water Science Center web page. The Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system is hydraulically connected to the Delaware River in parts of Camden and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey, and has more limited contact with the river in Salem County, New Jersey. By New Jersey Water Science Center March 24, 2002. Geological Survey (USGS) National Geologic Mapping Program. Structure contours of the top of the upper aquifer of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, northern Coastal Plain, New Jersey 7. in Confi ned Aquifers of the New Jersey Coastal Plain, 1996-1997 State regulations implemented in 1986 establishing Water-Supply Critical Areas 1 and 2 in the New Jersey Coastal Plain have restricted water-supply options for many southern New Jersey communities. The Aquifers of New Jersey consists of two ARC/INFO Geographic Information Systems (GIS) coverages and shapefiles of the bedrock and surficial aquifers and confining units in New Jersey. • New Jersey typically has ample precipitation on average and the State’s geology allows the storage of large quantities of groundwater as well as supports large surface water reservoirs. D. AREA STUDIED: Cape May County, New Jersey. The local name of the Chesapeake aquifer is the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system . A. The aquifer is a main supply for drinking water in Gloucester and Salem Counties. S. Founded in 1835, the NJGS has evolved from a mineral resources and topographic mapping agency to a modern environmental organization that collects and provides geoscience information to government, consultants, industry,. A preliminary description of the study area, including its location and extent, hydrogeologic framework, and ground-water-flow system, also is presented. 1). Toms River. Founded in 1835, the NJGS has evolved from a mineral resources and topographic mapping agency to a modern environmental organization that collects and provides geoscience information to government, consultants, industry,. Water levels in six observation wells were evaluated for seasonal fluctuations. 5) Irrigation Methods, The excessive pumping of groundwater from wells can influence the water levels below ground. Withdrawals from the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system in New Jersey, which includes the Upper, Middle, and Lower Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifers, are the principal source of groundwater supply in northern Gloucester and northeastern Salem Counties in the New Jersey Coastal Plain. Important source Englishtown of water for Ocean aquifer: Sand, and Monmouth quartz, fine to Counties. This coverage allows users to identify EPA-defined sole-source aquifers in New Jersey. • Generally, New Jersey has sufficient water available to meet needs into the foreseeable future pro-. Aquifers in the Raritan and Magothy Formations and the Englishtown Formation supplied 76 percent of the ground water used in 1958. This newwater from unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers. Ground-water recharge areas were mapped and ground-water recharge was calculated and ranked as described in NJGS Geologic Survey Report GSR-32: "A method for evaluating ground-water-recharge areas in New Jersey" (E. Water levels in these aquifers have. about the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer, other aquifers, and terminology in order to understand how significant this water source is to southern New Jersey. This report may be reproduced in whole. Accelerated sea level rise could threaten the New Jersey aquifers recharged by the Delaware River. The New Jersey Coastal Plain aquifers were discovered before 1900 through the efforts of local authorities, well drillers, and the New Jersey State Geological Survey as a result of the search for. The Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system is one of the primary sources of potable water in the Coastal Plain of New Jersey,. 7 (c)2 allows the Department to establish interim specific ground water quality criteria prior to the adoption of specific criteria for Class II constituents that are not listed in Appendix Table 1. These units include the Upper Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer in New Jersey, the Magothy aquifers on Long Island, Delaware, and Maryland, and the Virginia Beach aquifer in Virginia. One major enhancement is the ability to upload Shapefiles. 4. Geological SurveyGlacial aquifers in the New Jersey Highlands are valley-fill deposits of sand and gravel laid down in glacial lakes and glacial river plains during the Illinoian and late Wisconsinan glaciations. 6 million gallons per day of ground water was withdrawn from these aquifers. Pennsylvania also borders on Lake Erie. 2007, Contamination in Fracture-rock aquifers—Research at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey: USGS Fact Sheet 2007-3074, 2p. Burlington County, which lies between Trenton, Atlantic City and Camden, has an area of 827 square miles. J. The changes primarily dealt with modification of the Technical. 1 and 4), the aquifer consists. These aquifers, in conjunction with the Wenonah Formation and Mount Laurel Sand of Late Cretaceous age, are capable of providing relatively large yields to wells. J.